Ithaca Public Schools District Profile

The Ithaca School District includes the City of Ithaca (population 3,018), portions of eleven townships in Gratiot County (Arcada, Elba, Emerson, Fulton, Hamilton, Lafayette, Newark, New Haven, North Star, Sumner and Washington) and a portion of Crystal Township in Montcalm County. The entire school district encompasses 167 square miles. Approximately seventy percent (70%) of students are eligible to be transported to and from school each day by one of the district's twenty (20) buses.
The student population of 1,500 is representative of the socio-economic, racial and cultural diversity in this area. Educational programs exist for pre-kindergarten students through adult education housed in three (3) buildings (Junior/Senior High School, North Upper Elementary School, South Lower Elementary School). Ithaca participates in the Gratiot-Isabella RESD Schools of Choice Program which allows students to attend any public school in Gratiot and Isabella counties.
Click here to view the Ithaca Public Schools website
Ithaca High School ranked 46th out of the 826 Michigan high schools.