CSZ Services
CSZ Services LLC provides assessing services for the City of Ithaca. Chuck Zemla is the Assessor along with Melissa Zemla assisting. They are responsible for identifying, listing and valuing all taxable real and personal property in the City, in accordance with the General Property Tax Act and the City Charter. They are also responsible for processing all the recorded documents for properties in the city limits.
Click HERE to visit CSZ Services website for forms
and additional information.
The Assessor can be reached by email at: assessor@ithacami.com or by phone: 989-292-4422. In person by appointment only.
Important Property Tax Dates
Summer Taxes are mailed out on August 1st and are due on September 30th without penalty.
Winter Taxes are mailed out on December 1st and are due on February 14th without penalty.
Both Summer and Winter taxes can be paid at City Hall through the last day of February.
Payment may be made in person, by mail, through your bank's on-line services or after hours drop box with cash, check or money order. For your convenience, we accept credit and debit cards, as well as electronic checks. A fee of 3% of the total amount or a minimum of $2 is applied for credit/debit card payments. Electronic checks (eChecks) is a $3 fee up to $10,000 transaction and a $10 fee for $10,000 and over.
As of March 1st, any unpaid taxes are considered delinquent and turned over to the Gratiot County Treasurer for collection.
Contact the County Treasurer after March 1st at 875-5220 for the correct amount due.
Online Assessment & Tax Data Access
Personal Property Taxes
2025 Personal Property Statements will are mailed in January.
As a reminder the following are critical dates for filing the various forms with the City of Ithaca Assessor’s Office:
Form 5076 – must be received or postmarked by February 20, 2025.
Form L-4175 – is due by February 20, 2025. Postmark is acceptable.
Form 5278 – must be received or postmarked by February 20, 2025.
****Forms must be Filled out in Their Entirety and Filed by the Deadline****
How to Reach the Assessor
Contact the assessor by calling (989) 875-3200 or by using the e-mail contact form to the right.