The Council
The City Council consists of seven elected officials, the Mayor and six Councilpersons. Meetings are held the first and third Tuesday of each month at City Hall in the Council Chambers at 5:30 pm.
The public is welcome to attend and may address the City Council during two public comment periods. Public comment is also accepted in written form if you are unable to attend a meeting. Comments and concerns for the City Council may be mailed to the City Clerk at:
City of Ithaca MI
129 W. Emerson
Ithaca, MI 48847
To correspond by email, please send to:
City Manager Jamey Conn: City Manager
City Clerk Cathy Cameron: City Clerk
Elected Officials
• Mayor Brett Baublitz
• Mayor Pro-Tempore Rick Koppleberger
• Councilperson James Andrew
• Councilperson Kristyn Roethlisberger
• Councilperson Clark Hubbard
• Councilperson Alison Jerome
• Councilperson Rob Endter
Term Ending November 2025: Mayor Baublitz
Term Ending November 2027: Andrew, Endter, Roethlisberger
Term Ending November 2025: Hubbard, Jerome, Koppleberger
- The City Council positions are elected city at-large positions. The Mayor serves a 2-year term and Councilpersons serve 4-year terms. All positions are non-partisan.
- The Mayor is a member of the Council having equal standing as other Councilpersons and also has the additional powers and duties as provided by law. The Council exercises all of the legislative and policymaking powers of the City and provides for the performance of all duties and obligations imposed upon the City by law.
- City Council positions are elected with each odd-year election cycle. Petitions for running are due in April. Questions on running for these positions may be directed to the City Clerk at .
2025 Meeting Dates
Month | Date | Date |
January | 07 | 21 |
February | 04 | 18 |
March | 04 | 18 |
April | 01 | 15 |
May | 06 | 20 |
June | 03 | 17 |
Month | Date | Date |
July | 01 | 15 |
August | 05 | 19 |
September | 02 | 16 |
October | 07 | 21 |
November | 04 | 18 |
December | 02 | 16 |
The regular meetings of the City of Ithaca City Council will be held in the Council Chambers located at Ithaca City Hall, 129 W. Emerson Street, Ithaca, Michigan 48847 at 5:30 pm.
Business to be considered by the City Council and placed on the agenda must be done so by no later than 12:00 noon on the Friday preceding the meeting. Public comments are a normal agenda item and if unable to attend, public comments may be submitted in writing prior to any meeting.
Current Meeting Information
City Council Meeting Agenda is available on the Monday prior to the meeting date.
Meeting Packets
Complete Meeting Packet is available on the Monday prior to the meeting date.
Prior Year Minutes
City Council Meeting Attendance Information
The meeting packet is available on the business day prior to the meeting date.
Any person who wishes to contact the City to provide input or ask questions on any business coming before the City Council may do so by calling or emailing the City Clerk’s Office by noon prior to the meeting at (989)875-3200 or .
The City of Ithaca will provide necessary reasonable auxiliary aids and services, such as signers for the hearing impaired and audio recordings of printed materials being considered at the meeting, to individuals with disabilities at the meeting/hearing upon seventy-two (72) hours’ notice to the City of Ithaca. Individuals with disabilities requiring auxiliary aids or services should contact the City of Ithaca by writing, calling, or emailing the following: Ithaca City Clerk’s Office, 129 W. Emerson St, Ithaca, MI 48847; Phone: (989) 875-3200; Email: