Home Away from Home

Ithaca's Senior Activity Building is located at 1011 East North St., Ithaca MI 48847. (989) 875-2135
The motto for the Senior Center is "Home Away from Home". This building was designed for you in mind as it is: Fully Handicap Assessible, Covered Entrance, Level Walking, Well Lighted, Paved Parking and Air Conditioned.
Come and join them for a fresh cup of brewed coffee, along with a warm donut or hot toast in the morning. They are open most weekdays from 8:00 a.m.-4:00 p.m..
A typical morning may include: music, joining in several card games, exercise class, play bingo or join one of the several "interest" groups. Or simply join in the comradery and do a little visiting. An afternoon may include: a game of bridge, euchre, pinochle or other card favorites. Enjoy the outdoors on "Wanda's Walk" the walking path located next to the building and travels through the adjacent Atkinson Park.
Ithaca Area Food With Friends meets at the Senior Activity Building daily Monday thru Friday from 10:00 a.m. until 2:00 p.m. Meals are also delivered to homes. Food with Friends appreciates donations to help offset the cost of food. Reservations maybe made by calling (989) 875-2135. Calls one day in advance are appreciated.
Food + Fun + Friendship
Senior Gratiot Monthly Newsletter
Commission on Aging

Case Management
Personal Care
In-Home Assistants provide help with daily activities such as bathing, hair, and skin care. This service is limited to one (1) hour per week.
Respite Care
Available to seniors who require 24-hour care, an In-Home Assistant provides companionship, supervision, and assistance with activities of daily living, such as toileting and feeding. This service is limited to two (2) hours per week and is intended to give a family member or caregiver a chance to relax.
An In-Home Assistant provides help with tasks including: laundry, meal preparation, and light household cleaning. Homemaking is only available for a fee.
Home Chore
Assistance with household maintenance jobs such as: washing windows, removing and installing screens and storm windows, caulking windows and installing weather-stripping around doors, minor furniture repair, and other annual tasks as needed.
Minor Home Repair
A Home Maintenance worker provides services which will contribute to the extended life of an owner-occupied home and help maintain minimum health and safety standards. This would include: minor roof repair, window repair, correct faulty plumbing, repair stairs, install or repair railings, and building wheelchair ramps as needed. Clients are asked to pay for the material.
Home-Delivered Meals
Home-delivered meals provides older adults with a hot meal during the noon hour. To be eligible one must; be over the age of 60, be homebound, and unable to shop or prepare own meals. A suggested donation of $2.50 for each meal provided.
Dining Sites ("Food With Friends")
Offers food and fellowship. This nutritious noon meal provides one-third of the body's daily nutritional requirements. Programs, activities, and friendship are also a part of Food With Friends. Site locations are:
- Alma/St. Louis Area - (989) 875-9118
- Breckenridge/Wheeler Area - (989) 330-7508
- Fulton Area - (989) 236-5019
- Ithaca - (989) 875-2135 (Senior Activity Building: 1011 E. North Street, Ithaca, MI)
Medicare-Medicaid Assistance Program (MMAP)
Information and Referral
Offers facts and specific information in response to questions asked about senior citizens' needs, programs, and services.
There is no charge for many services, however, contributions are encouraged to help maintain the programs. Programs are funded by Region VII Area Agency on Aging, OSA, MDOT, Gratiot County Senior Millage, and donations.  Programs comply with Title VI and VII of the Civil Rights Act of 1964.