Holiday Reminder: NO DELAY
This is a friendly reminder that your collection WILL NOT be delayed in observance of Presidents Day.

Setting Up Service
Contact Granger directly at 1-888-947-2643 or at to set up your account. Customers with questions about service, billing, collections, etc. should contact Granger, not City Hall. However, if after attempting to address an issue you do not feel that you were treated properly by Granger staff, then please contact City Hall at 989-875-3200 and we will attempt to assist you with your concerns.
Collection Day/Times
Collections in Ithaca are weekly every Friday, unless a major holiday (New Years, Memorial Day, July 4th, Labor Day, Thanksgiving & Christmas) falls on a weekday. If so, then collections are postponed to Saturday. (If the holiday falls on a Saturday or Sunday, the collection schedule will not change.) All items must be at the curb by 6:00 a.m. on collection day to ensure pickup.
For Ithaca residents who wish to continue recycling, the following options are available for drop-off recycling. Click on the links below for more information:
Isabella County Recycling Drop-off
4208 E River Road
Mt Pleasant, MI 48858
Hours: Monday - Friday, 8 a.m. - 5 p.m.; Saturday, 8 a.m. - 1:30 p.m.
Granger Waste Services Recycling Drop-off
16936 Wood Road
Lansing, MI 48906
Open 24 hours, 7 days a week
Refuse Collection
Granger supplies all eligible residential customers with a 95-gallon brown “Curby” cart for solid waste (also called refuse, garbage or trash.) Customers with more waste than will fit into one Curby cart can now contract with Granger for an additional cart at the same monthly cost ($11.86) as the original cart. Guidelines for the disposal of solid waste are as follows:
- Open, empty or used beverage containers (with a deposit)
- Whole car or truck tires (scrap tires)
- Grass clippings, leaves, brush or other yard waste
- Used oil (Oil filters must be drained for 24 hours before being placed in trash)
- Car or truck batteries
- Oil-based paint (Latex paint is allowed, but only if dried)
- Refrigerants/Freon (must be properly removed from appliances prior to disposal)
- Empty drums (unless clean and crushed)
- Explosives, ammunition or firearms
- Propane or other compressed gas tanks (unless empty and disabled)
Options for Senior Citizens
Seniors may use bag tag service, however, each bag must have a tag attached to it in order for it to be collected. Cost is $2.22 per tag. Tags may be purchased a city hall and Ric's Food Center. Please note that bags should not be placed in personal containers for collection.
Non Standard Disposal
Large/Bulky Item Disposal
Collection of one bulk item (mattress, stove, refrigerators) each month is included in your service at no additional charge. However, you must contact us in advance by completing the form at or calling 1-888-947-2643.
♦Bulk items are collected in Ithaca on Fridays. Please contact us by noon on Wednesday for collection that Friday.
Qualified large items include, but are not limited to: furniture (table, end table, lazy boy chair, sofa, love seat, ottoman), vacuum, mattress and boxspring, door, carpet (2’ diameter, 4’ length), push lawn mower, appliance, toilet, vanity, sink, air conditioner, eaves/downspouts (bound in 2’ diameter bundles, 4’ length), etc.
Yard Waste Disposal
Michigan law no longer permits the disposal of yard waste in sanitary landfills. Compostable materials such as grass clippings, leaves, brush and other yard waste cannot be deposited in your Curby cart or any refuse bag.
The City does offer City residents the option to dispose of these materials at the City’s yard waste and brush drop-off site at the east end of Meadow Lane (just south of the railroad tracks off of Saint Johns Street) on the City’s wastewater (sewer) treatment plant site.
There are two separate piles: one for yard waste and one for brush.
Christmas Tree Collection
Live Christmas tree collection is included with your trash service. Trees will be collected only during the first two weeks of January. Trees must be put out in sections no longer than 4 feet and must be free of tinsel, lights and other decorations. Trees should be put out with your trash on your regular collection day. Residents may dispose of trees later than January by transporting to the City’s brush pile at the wastewater treatment plant site at the end of Meadow Lane.
City of Ithaca Yard Waste/Brush Policy
Brush Disposal Policy (April - November)
For your convenience, the City operates a site that is dedicated to disposal of brush at the yard waste drop-off site as noted above. The site is open to residents of the City of Ithaca only and is run on the honor system. Only trimmings from trees, shrubs and bushes are permitted (no larger than 4” in diameter, and no stumps or rootballs). The use of the brush drop-off site is limited to private residences and small projects. Tree removal contractors and yard maintenance companies are not permitted to use this disposal site. Please do not mix in other yard waste with the brush; there are two separate disposal piles. To dispose of larger-sized brush & tree limbs, please contact a private hauler.
Fall Leaf Collection
The Curbside Bulk Leaf Collection Program generally begins on the 3rd Monday of October and continues for approximately five weeks, weather depending. Residents should rake their leaves to the edge of the curbline, or gravel/paved edge of the road, but not into the street. Please do not place them along the curb or road until the night before your scheduled pickup day, as noted in the collection guidelines available to read in the pdf called Fall Leaf Pickup at the top of the page.
*Leaf collection is not done in the Spring*
*As a reminder, no other yardwaste is permitted in the piles with your leaves. This includes tree limbs, brush, bush trimmings, grass, cut flowers, plants, rootballs, etc.
Battery Disposal Options
Battery recycling is no longer available at City Hall due to safety and logistical issues.
- Today’s alkaline batteries do not contain the hazardous chemicals that used to be present in them. It is safe (and legal) to dispose of them with regular household refuse.
- When disposing of 9-volt batteries in the trash, they should be placed in a plastic bag to keep them separated from other trash and tape should be placed over the terminals. In rare cases, these batteries can cause fires if not handled carefully.
- Alkaline batteries may be recycled by other programs, but due to their low metal content, recycling programs are difficult to find, and, in many cases, there is a charge to recycle them (or pay postage to send them to a recycler.)
- Residents should consider switching to rechargeable lithium-ion or nickel-metal-hydride batteries, which can last 2-3 years and can often be recycled.
- Residents can recycle small household rechargeable batteries at Tractor Supply Co. (1501 E. Washington Rd.) and large rechargeable batteries (power tools, yard maintenance equipment, etc.) can be recycled at Home Depot in Mt. Pleasant.
- "Batteries + Bulbs” in Mt. Pleasant (706 N Mission St.) recycles the majority of batteries they sell. They accept the following batteries:
- Lead acid (Pb) Batteries - Cars, trucks and emergency lighting
- Nickel Cadmium (NiCd) Batteries - Cordless phones, tools and 2-way radios
- Nickel Metal Hydride (NiMH) Batteries – Camcorders and cameras
- Lithium Ion (Li Ion) & Lithium Polymer (Li Poly) - Cell phones and laptops
Lightbulb Disposal Options
“Batteries + Bulbs” also recycles the following light bulbs (fees may apply) Check for the nearest location.
- Compact Fluorescent Light Bulbs
- Fluorescent Tubes
- Circular Fluorescent
- U Bend Fluorescent
- Plastic Coated and Shatter Shields
- Spot/Flood Lamps
- UV and Germicidal Lamps
- Incandescent
- Halogen
- Cold Cathode
- Metal Halide
- High Pressure Sodium
- Mercury Vapor
- Ballasts
Paint Disposal Options
Paint disposal doesn’t seem like it should be complicated, but it can be. Not only is it messy, more importantly, it can be hazardous. The following are options homeowners should consider when attempting to dispose of and/or recycle paints:
- Granger cannot accept leftover liquid paint, stain or finish of any kind, be it latex (water-based or acrylic) or oil-based (alkyd).
- Paint or stain of any kind that is in good condition can be donated to various charities (churches, schools, theater groups, etc.) for reuse or for blending with other paints.
- Empty & dry steel cans & plastic bottles from latex-based paints should be placed in the trash with lids off and not recycled.
- Empty & dry steel cans & plastic bottles from oil-based paints should not be placed in the trash and not recycled. They should be disposed of at a household hazardous waste location site or event.
- Small amounts of latex-based paints can be poured into absorbent material such as cat litter, shredded paper or sawdust & left to dry, with the dry material disposed of in regular refuse containers. Or, the latex paint can be left to dry in the paint container with the lid off, and then disposed of with the trash.
Revision date: July 12, 2019